As chefs, we often find ourselves caught in a relentless cycle of comparison. Whether it's scrolling through social media, eyeing our peers' accolades, or feeling the pressure to outperform, this habit can silently erode our confidence, stifle our creativity, and rob us of joy in our craft.
"The only chef you should be competing with is the one you were yesterday." - Adam Lamb
In this episode of Chef Life Radio, we're pulling back the curtain on the comparison trap that plagues so many culinary professionals. We'll explore how this mindset not only impacts our personal well-being but also affects team dynamics and kitchen culture.
We'll dive into actionable strategies to help you:
• Redefine success on your own terms
• Cultivate gratitude and self-reflection
• Use comparison as inspiration rather than judgment
• Manage social media consumption effectively
1. Understand how comparison undermines confidence and creativity
2. Learn to celebrate your unique journey and contributions
3. Discover techniques to foster a collaborative kitchen culture
4. Develop a growth mindset focused on personal improvement
This episode offers a fresh perspective on thriving in the culinary world without falling prey to the comparison game.
You'll gain insights on how to lead with authenticity, nurture your passion, and create a fulfilling career that aligns with your values.
Whether you're a seasoned executive chef or an aspiring culinary leader, this discussion will equip you with the tools to break free from comparison and rediscover the joy in your culinary journey.
Ready to reclaim your confidence and creativity in the kitchen?
Tune in and let's start cooking up success—on your own terms.
Stay Tall & Frosty
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00:00 - Introduction and Episode Overview
00:43 - Welcome to Chef Life Radio
01:24 - The Comparison Trap in the Culinary Industry
02:46 - Personal Story of Comparison
04:52 - The Damage of Comparison
09:02 - How to Escape the Comparison Trap
17:33 - Action Steps and Conclusion
18:16 - Final Thoughts and Outro
Welcome back to the Show Chef.
Ever find yourself scrolling through social media wondering
why you're not achieving the same accolades or recognition as others?
Does the pressure to outperform your peers leave you feeling
drained, uninspired, or inadequate?
Are you secretly worried that you'll never measure up no matter how hard you push?
In today's episode, we're gonna expose how comparison silently undermines
your confidence, creativity, and joy, and provide actionable strategies
to break you free from its grip.
We'll get to that in a whole lot more right after this message.
Welcome to Chef Life Radio, the podcast dedicated to helping chefs and culinary
leaders take control of their kitchens, build resilient teams, and create
a thriving career in hospitality.
I'm Chef Adam Lamp, your host, leadership coach, and industry veteran.
If you're tired of high turnover, burnout and the daily grind, you're not alone.
This podcast is here to give you the real strategies, insights, and tools you need.
To lead with confidence, build a culture of excellence and craft a kitchen
that works for you, not against you.
Because the best kitchens don't just survive, they thrive.
Hit that subscribe button and let's get started.
Welcome back.
We're talking about thriving in the kitchen and beyond.
Today we're talking about a habit that plagues way too many chefs.
You know what I'm talking about?
The endless measuring of our success against someone else's.
The constant pressure to be better, faster, more creative.
But here's the kicker, comparison is a thief.
It steals your confidence, your creativity, and most
importantly, your joy.
So let's break this down and talk about how to stop sabotaging
ourselves in an industry that thrives on competition thrive.
The culinary industry is built on comparison.
Every service we're judged by critics, guests, and online reviews.
Social media makes it worse, seeing perfectly plated dishes.
Michelin starred kitchens and chefs getting recognition that
we crave the competitive nature of kitchens fuels this mindset.
Someone is always younger, faster, or seemingly more successful,
but the problem is that constant comparison creates imposter syndrome.
Am I good enough?
Do I have what it takes?
It turns learning into a competition instead of a process.
It makes it impossible to celebrate our own wins because we're always looking at
someone else's and that fucking sucks.
And if you believe that story feels like shit, but is that the story?
It's one thing if you're comparing yourself to somebody that you see in the
media, but the weirdest thing is when you start comparing yourself to your
best friend, which let's face it, is an occupational hazard for over 20 years.
I compared myself to a guy who I once hired as my sous chef and as he climbed
the ranks and became a chef in his own right, a great chef, I started to watch
him from afar and compared myself to him.
Our competition went back just as far at one point, we used to send
dishes back and forth to one another in a cab for each of us to critique.
I. While the competition felt good natured, at one point, as our careers
started to diverge, I started using that as a point of comparison, trying to figure
out what he was doing, why he was getting the accolades that he was receiving,
and to judge my career against his, when in fact our lives became different.
What was important to him became different than what was important to me.
I didn't understand it so much later that those choices came with certain costs.
Was I willing to pay the same price that he did?
Then I finally understood that as long as I envied him, I wasn't spending
any time trying to make my career better or to live in my choices.
Basically comparison was a great excuse from being fully where I was, having what
I had and creating gratitude around that, which my life was, instead of constantly
hoping that it would be something else.
And once I got to this space where I could authentically celebrate his
wins as well as my own, that's when I understood what true power was.
The power to make a positive choice in my life and my career moving forward
free of comparing myself to anybody.
Who do you compete against?
Who do you compare yourself against?
Who do you silently envy wishing that their life or career was yours?
The damage comparison causes, well, first and foremost, burnout and anxiety.
You're feeling like you're always behind, creates an unsustainable work ethic.
Pushing yourself harder and harder without real purpose except to go
deeper in the grind, pedal faster, and instead of improving for the
sake of growth, you start chasing validation from those around you.
I'll be the first one to admit that validation feels good, but if that is
your motivation for anything that you're doing, except for the pure joy of the
process of being present to the magic that's happening right in front of you,
once you replace that with hoping that people are gonna acknowledge the fact
that you've been working really hard at this and giving you that validation
back then that is a bear trap your heart will never ever get out of.
Because here's the simple truth.
If you're looking for anyone, even other chefs to appreciate how much of you you
are putting into what you do, then that's a fool's errand because no one will be
able to appreciate everything that you've done in order to produce what you do.
So expecting other people to understand that and appreciate that when they don't
know is really a fool's errand and you're asking to get let down every single time.
Comparison is a creativity killer.
Constantly measuring yourself against others.
Stifles risk taking and originality.
Instead of experimenting, you worry about whether your dish is good
enough to compare with others.
You're caught in a paralysis of analysis and you never quite get on with that
which is presenting itself to you because you're always worried about how
other people are going to interpret it.
Will they accept it?
Is it gonna be good enough for them?
Again, placing your validation over there with them instead of here with you,
your heart and your brain in concert.
Connected to the process of creativity.
Comparison also breaks down team culture.
Comparison doesn't just hurt you.
It affects how you see your peers and eventually how they start seeing you.
It turns colleagues into competitors creating tension
rather than collaboration.
And in.
Regards to me and my best friend.
I spent years holding him in judgment that his career was
doing so much better than mine.
And that secret thing that I held against him, he must have known,
even though I didn't say it out loud, because that energy was
present every time we connected.
And to have to release that, because what I came to understand
is I valued his friendship.
The Messai tribe in Africa have a saying that only a spear
can sharpen another spear.
And while I appreciate it and benefited from our competitiveness,
what I recognize is that's exhausting to be doing that all the time.
I just wanted to drop my spear and just give 'em a hug and just be friends
and, uh, not have that between us.
And that was my decision because I had to let that go because it
hurt my heart to do otherwise.
The last way it breaks down team culture is it starts to
become a toxic kitchen culture.
When chefs feel like they're constantly being ranked.
Instead of being valued for their unique contributions, I once worked
at a restaurant on a hotel property.
They closed that restaurant down.
They let go of the chef of the hotel and then asked me, well,
chef, you're out of a job now.
Would you like another job?
And so they put me in competition with the banquet chef to see who would
become the chef overall of the property.
And that was a miserable.
Six weeks of us trying to outdo one another and be seen as having the
capacity to lead, uh, the entire team of this hotel until such time as they
made a decision, put me in charge.
And it turned out that that animosity could have killed that relationship
between me and the banquet chef Instead, laughingly, uh, for a Christmas party,
we put a band together and 15 years later we were still making music.
So I'm really, really thankful that, uh.
That we were able to come together and heal the breach that existed within
that team culture and build that team even better than it was before.
But I couldn't have done it without his help.
Not all organizations can go through that type of competition and not
completely lose their team cohesion, which is the most critical part of
any successful culinary operation.
How to escape the comparison trap.
Well, number one.
Redefine success on your own terms.
Instead of comparing your chapter two to someone else's, chapter 10, define
what success looks like for you.
This is one of the first steps I take with all my coaching clients
in order to understand and deeply embody what your core values are,
what your goals and your mission is.
It's really important to spend some time doing an imagination practice called
Your Perfect Day, and that is imagining your life one year from now, three
years from now, five years from now.
And it's one thing to say.
I open up a food truck.
It's another thing altogether to spend some time thinking about that, connecting
with the emotions, and then write it down.
And the best way to do that is imagine your perfect day in that life.
You wake up, you do what?
What's the next thing?
How do you feel when you're having breakfast?
You're spending time with your kids?
What's the next step?
What's next step?
You write that out as your perfect day, and what you're actually
doing is you're future projecting what your life will be like.
At whatever point in your future, but it starts you down the road of defining
like, what's, what is success to me?
Is it money?
Is it accolades?
Is it family time?
What is it that matters most to me?
Because conversely, then that becomes your non-negotiable core values.
Those are the things that you're not willing to bartter away just for a job.
Is it leading a happy, high performing team, running a sustainable kitchen,
having balance in your life?
The only chef you should be competing with is the one you were yesterday.
I constantly talk about the 1% way, which is to say, today I'm gonna
be 1% better than I was yesterday.
Is my only goal 1% better than I was yesterday because in reality, that
is the only outcome that you have power over that you can influence.
You can't influence someone else's life, but you can certainly influence
the person that you're gonna be tomorrow based upon your thoughts,
feelings, and actions of today.
That's why it doesn't matter what your outside circumstances look like today,
tomorrow can be completely different if you're focused on what that is and
creating an energy around it that is higher than your present circumstance.
I know that's a little bit of mumbo jumbo quantum mechanic stuff, but it's true.
The shit works.
Define what is your perfect day.
Write it out.
Put that in a piece of paper, put it away, and come back to it next year and see just
how close you came to achieving all those incredibly important emotional points.
Not necessarily what you do, but it's the emotion that's attached to what
you do that will redefine your success.
Point number two, practice gratitude and reflection At the end of each
shift, instead of asking, did I outperform someone, try asking, what
did I do well today, what did I learn?
How did I contribute to the team?
Lastly, before you go to bed, make sure that you have a journal next to your bed.
And the last thing you do before you go to sleep is write down three
things that you're grateful for.
Everybody can find three things to be grateful for.
I got up this morning.
I. There's some people in the world that didn't do that today, that you could
breathe freely, that you could put your uniform on, that you had transportation.
There are three things in everyone's life that you can, that they can
write down, and once they write that down, reflect on that and actually
experience gratitude for those things.
Because here's the thing, once you start shifting your perspective to
looking for things to be grateful for, conversely, you'll find
more things to be grateful for.
It's weird the way that works, right?
Number three, use comparison as inspiration, not judgment.
Instead of why am I not as good as them ask, what can I learn from them?
I remember looking at my buddy's menus and being completely perplexed about
some of the stuff that he was putting on.
I mean, I understood the dishes, but I was like thinking about
process and how you do it.
He was the first guy I ever knew that did Su V and I was calling him for months.
Trying to figure out how to do what he did, not to replicate what he
did, but to use those same principles and processes in what I was doing,
how I can incorporate those things.
And it became a point of celebration and inspiration instead of me looking
at it, which I had previously done, and go, shit, man, I'll never do that.
Reach out, collaborate, ask questions.
Chefs you admire are more approachable than you think.
All it takes is a dm. See him on Instagram dm. Hey, listen,
I've been following your work.
Really love this.
Have a question.
You got time.
Question mark.
No one is that unapproachable that they can't spend a couple minutes connecting
with somebody who's authentically trying to connect with them instead of just
trying to get something out of it.
It's always important to make sure that you bring value to that conversation and
figure out how you can recompense them for any value that you receive from them.
Number four, limit the social media spiral.
Oh my God.
So in my new book that's coming out, I talk about the, the 1% way,
and I talk about the narrow path as a process for which development
can happen spontaneously.
And one of the things is on a narrow path, what you do is you limit
anything that is not directly, uh, relatable to your particular goal.
And a lot of that is.
Trim it down, your social media, turning off your notifications.
I mean, time and time again.
If you look through your day, you can find so many things that are a distraction from
you and take you off your present task.
And here's a little bit of science for you.
They call it context switching.
If you're doing one thing and you're deep in that hole and you are a grooving
on that thing, and someone asks you something and pulls you away from that
task to do another thing, it can take you up to two to four hours before you
can refocus in on that previous task.
Get in it.
That's why it's so important to time block and make sure that you're doing
things within a certain time block so you can focus deeply on that.
And then after that time block start focused deeply on another thing.
Recognize that what you see on online is a highlight reel.
I want you to understand that what you see online, whether it's Instagram,
Facebook, I don't care where you look, that's a highlight reel.
That's not the full story.
Very rarely is anybody posting about what it's like to actually create this
particular dish, but there are some absolutely stunning pictures of the
dish afterwards, which leaves me in particular, I'll just speak for myself,
wondering like how the hell they did that?
And conversely gives me an idea of like, shit, I probably can't do that again.
That's what means by stifling creativity.
And after a while you get a bad case of the fuck its, well, I'll
never be that good, so fuck it.
Why try?
Following certain accounts makes you feel worse about yourself than others.
It's time to unfollow them.
Again, it comes back to using comparison as an inspiration, not as judgment.
And I know that's easy to say and hard to do, but if you want to stay present
to where you're at in your development such that nothing stands in your way.
Then you are gonna have to disassociate yourself from anything that makes you
feel like shit or tries to convince you that you're not good enough.
And let's face it, we all have that voice inside our heads that is always
telling us that we're not good enough.
But that voice is just the voice of our ego.
It's a protective mechanism.
The story that it's telling is not the truth.
It's just a story.
And when you can identify with it as just a story, not right,
not wrong, just a story, you can have a different perspective.
Thank you for sharing.
Fuck you, for caring, and not take it as the little truth of who you are, what
you're, what you're capable of producing.
Listen, chef comparison will always be part of this industry.
It's built into the way we work, train, and compete.
But it's up to you whether you'd let it drive you or destroy you
instead of looking sideways.
Look forward instead of measuring yourself against others.
Measure how far you have come today.
I challenge you to catch yourself the next time comparison creeps in.
I want you to take a deep breath and remind yourself
your journey is yours alone.
Keep pushing forward, keep learning, and most of all, keep.
Keep cooking with passion.
Here's your action steps.
Number one, identify one way comparison has been holding you back.
Number two, set a personal goal based on growth, not competition.
Number three, celebrate one.
Small win today, no matter how minor.
And number four, at the end of the day, write down three
things that you're grateful for.
If this episode resonated with you, share it with a fellow chef, and if you're
ready to reclaim your passion, purpose, and process in the kitchen, hit subscribe
and let's keep the conversation going.
Until next time, stay tall and frosty.
That's a wrap for today's episode of Chef Life Radio.
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Remember, leadership isn't about perfection.
It's about progress.
So take what you've learned today and apply it in your kitchen,
your team, and your life.
Chef Life Radio is more than just a podcast, it's a movement.
The focus is no longer just on career survival, but on transforming leadership,
creating sustainability, and ensuring chefs can build kitchens that thrive.
Remember, the secret ingredient to culinary success isn't just in
the food, it's in the leadership.
Keep learning, keep growing, and as always.
Lead with the heart.
See you next time.