For Chefs Who Want To Enjoy Their Careers Without Sacrificing Their Lives
July 30, 2024

Slow to Down to Speed Up

Slow to Down to Speed Up
"If you're always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you're in? Slow down and enjoy the moment you're in and live your life to the fullest.”Nanette Mathews
About eight months ago, I was forced to slow down because of a significant back surgery.
My body had been trying to tell me for some time that something wasn't quite right with my physical health, but due to my "mission', and those I wanted to serve, I didn't pay attention until I had to.
Easter Sunday, 2023, I awoke and could no longer stand or walk on my own.
That simple realization scared me more than any challenge I had faced in my life or career up until that point.
I had commitments, two podcasts to manage, and several coaching clients at the time; things had been looking up for my business.
And then, I had to come to a complete stop after my surgery and during my recovery.
My mind kept saying "Go", yet my body refused to allow me to carry on at the frenetic pace I was on previous to my surgery.
I had to put my recovery and health first.
What surprised me most during that time was that even as I slowed down, more opportunities started coming my way.
How could this be? I wasn't "doing" anything.
I know what you're thinking – we're constantly battling the clock and cranking out dishes like there's no tomorrow.
But I found out that taking a beat and catching my breath worked wonders for my journey.
Allow me to dish out a few reasons why embracing this philosophy will propel you to new heights as well:
1. Get Your Creative Juices Flowing:
Picture this – you, in the serene sanctuary of your thoughts, exploring the endless possibilities of flavor combinations, techniques, and presentations.
By slowing down and giving yourself the room to play, you'll unleash a wave of creativity that leaves your guests spellbound. Trust me, some of the best culinary masterpieces have been born from those moments of sweet, sweet inspiration.
2. Cook Like a Strategic Ninja:
Ah, the art of decision-making. It's easy to get swept up in the frenzy and make snap judgments that might not always serve us well in the long run.
But here's the secret: taking the time to carefully consider your options, assess potential risks, and develop a sound strategy will set you up for success.
Slow down, my friend, and let your inner culinary ninja strike with precision and purpose.
3. Supercharge Your Skills:
We all know that lifelong learning is the name of the game in this industry. But in the hustle and bustle, skill development can easily take a backseat.
Well, brace yourself because I'm about to drop the wisdom bomb – slowing down allows you to dive deep into the nitty-gritty of your craft.
Set aside time to sharpen your knife skills, master new techniques, and push the boundaries.
4. Balancing Act: Work and Life Edition:
I get it, my fellow hospitality warriors; finding balance is like chasing after a perfectly poached egg in a swirling vortex of chaos. But trust me when I say slowing down is the golden ticket to achieving that elusive work-life harmony.
Set clear boundaries, carve out time for yourself, and watch as your passion for your career is reignited. Let's face it – you can't give your all to the kitchen if your flame is flickering low.
So, my brothers and sisters, remember this: slowing down isn't a sign of weakness or complacency – it's your secret weapon for success.
It's the fuel that ignites your creativity, the helm that steers you toward strategic victory, and the catalyst for supercharging your skills.
Take a breather, savor the moments of reflection, and catapult yourself towards culinary greatness!
Stay inspired, keep cooking up a storm, and remember that slowing down paves the way for an epic journey of culinary triumphs.
Stay Tall & Frosty,