Turning the Table, EP 08. Hospitality Recruiter Chris Bousquet joins Jim Taylor Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb of Realignment Hospitality to talk about the three things restaurant operators can do to attract the right talent.

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Turning the Table Is the most progressive weekly videocast for today's food and beverage industry, featuring staff-centric operating solutions for restaurants in the #newhospitalityculture.

Join Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb as they "turn the tables" on the prevailing operating assumptions of running a restaurant in favor of innovative solutions to our industry's most persistent challenges.

Check out the audio podcast everywhere you get your content @ https://turningthetablepodcast.com/li...

This show is sponsored by Benchmark Sixty.
To find out more about their unique staff retention solution, check them out on the web at @https://www.benchmarksixty.com/

Realignment Hospitality @ https://linktr.ee/amlamb17

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