"The point is that the different motivation strategies are unique across every person, and everybody has their own unique culture."
Kimi Avary joins the show to discuss the challenges of maintaining proper boundaries and clear communication in work-related or personal relationships.
Kimi Avary is a relationship expert and coach who helps people navigate their relationships with others. She has a Master's in Counseling and Psychology and a Bachelor's in Family Studies and Human Development. She is also an NLP Master Practitioner.
She has many years of experience coaching clients and helping them build better lives. She emphasizes the importance of communication and relationships in all aspects of life, personal or professional.
In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. The different ways that men and women are motivated
2. The importance of communication in relationships
3. The challenges faced by women in male-dominated industries
Grab your copy of this show's exclusive bonus content by clicking here. (https://www.chefliferadio.com/ep214bonus)
Kimi Avary Resources:
Kimi on Your Tango (https://www.yourtango.com/experts/kimiavary)
Kimi On FB (https://www.facebook.com/kimi.avary/)
Conscious Couple Network (https://www.facebook.com/ConsciousCouplesNetwork)
Other episodes you'll enjoy:
209: On The Dock with Deidra McGuiness-Ciolko (https://player.captivate.fm/episode/3b04524e-cdfc-4cd6-a8ac-c9be7aba9e85)
206: On The Dock with Chef James Shirley (https://player.captivate.fm/episode/568b4579-158e-46cd-bc38-e01bf1ba6a6c)
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If you're interested in sponsoring this show, email me at adam@chefliferadio.com (mailto:adam@chefliferadio.com)
Support for The Hospitality Industry:
Chowco.org (https://chowco.org/)
I Got Your Back (https://igotyourback.info/)
The Burnt Chef Project (https://www.theburntchefproject.com/helpandsupport)
Chef Life Coaching (https://my.captivate.fm/cheflifecoaching.com)
Grab your copy of this show's exclusive bonus content by clicking here. (https://www.chefliferadio.com/ep214bonus)
Special Tip o the Toque to Satyen Raja (https://www.facebook.com/satyen.raja.9) for influencing this episode's conversation. (https://www.warriorsage.com/)
Tomas Stephensen at Podlike co-produced this episode.
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Chapter Summaries:
(00:00:000) - Kimi Avary is a relationship expert. Adam and Kimi haven't seen each other for a long time. Kimi's clients become her dearest friends, and she wants to keep in touch with them when their lives are better. Adam feels the same way.
(00:00:39)- Keeping the proper boundaries set regarding your coaching clients cannot be easy. When she meets with each person individually, she aims to understand things they cannot share with their partners. Her job is to be stealthy and to help drop subjects and topics into the joint session so that each person feels they're addressing something important.
(00:04:07) - The masculine is a provider, protector, and energy producer. The feminine is the supporter. Enhancer energy. They complement each other. The dynamic between the masculine and the feminine will impact how we work and get things done. I consider myself 60%, 55% masculine, and 45% feminine.
(00:09:10) - Kimi believes that the feminine focuses on adapting, while the masculine focuses on hunting. NLP helped Kimmy with her motivation strategy when she was trying to lose weight and quit smoking. Germaine has worked in the service industry for most of her life. Her first executive chef job was with a feminine sous chef, Lori Walker. I believe that women in the industry are harder than most men because they can't take a day off, complain about their period, and they're not allowed to be feminine.
(00:19:41) - As a woman goes through menopause, her testosterone levels drop, and the corpus callosum, the brain's center, narrows for men. The brain widens, and he can multitask a little bit more. So there's that aspect.
(00:21:25) - There is no glass ceiling if women allow men to contribute to them. After four years of a program called Beyond the Glass Ceiling, Shell Oil lost many women engineers. In the culinary industry, women were expected to perform better in the early years. In this context, using cocaine was a problem for them. As a chef, I need to field a team that can accomplish everything and maximizes their experience as well as mine. Some memes on Facebook are around chefs who have transitioned to being performance coaches. For the longest time, che...