Does the current hospitality operational culture need to change?

If so, why?

Who benefits from this transformation?

And exactly how is this evolution supposed to take place, and who's responsibility is it to start the process?

To answer these questions, and more, we invited Chef/Owner Rory Schepisi of The Drunken Oyster in Amarillo Texas to talk about how the "old-way" of thinking about, and executing a workplace culture is increasing coming under fire from several generations of associates coming into the industry, looking for more than "just a job".

We'll get into what she and her team are consciously co-creating and they start to build out a series of exciting restaurants, that also serve the needs of the their associates and team members.

Join Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty, Chef Rory Schepisi - CEO of Forking Good Hospitality Restaurant group and me, Adam Lamb of Chef Life Coaching as we get cooking on co-creating a #newhospitalitycuturethat serves everyone, equitably, sustainably and empathetically.

Thursday Sept. 28th, at 12N ET on