Hey, Chef Life Radio community!

In my latest conversation with Chef Patrick Mulvaney, we talked about the unique challenges that restaurant industry leaders face when creating a culture of vulnerability.

What's the most significant hurdle that you've overcome in promoting emotional openness in the workplace?

Share your insights with us below!

And remember, sharing is caring, so tag a fellow culinary professional who could benefit from this advice!

Catch the rest of the episode @ https://youtu.be/QP64mYQKauc
Listen to the full podcast @ https://realchefliferadio.captivate.fm/listen

Resources for culinary & hospitality staff:
Chowco.org: https://chowco.org/
I Got Your Back: https://igotyourback.info/
The Burnt Chef Project: https://www.theburntchefproject.com/
Not9to5: https://not9to5.org/
Ben's Friends: https://www.bensfriendshope.com/
Chef Life Coaching: https://www.cheflifecoaching.com/

If you're ready for some culinary career coaching then connect with me on:

Realignment Media @ https://linktr.ee/amlamb17

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