Chef Life Radio:  Empowering Culinary Leaders to Create Thriving, Sustainable Kitchens


Oct. 7, 2022

110: How to Build a Highly Effective Restaurant Team

Corporate Chef Ryan Dodge and Restauranteur Doug Newhook join Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb of Realignment Hospitality to discuss building highly effective restaurant teams and balancing the equation of motivation versus inspiration. Connect with Doug and Ryan: https://www.linkedin.c…

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Oct. 5, 2022

110: Building Highly Effective Hospitality Teams - Turning the Table

Corporate Chef Ryan Dodge and Restauranteur Doug Newhook ( join Jim Taylor ( of Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb ( of Realignment Hospitality to discuss building highly effective restaurant tea…

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Oct. 5, 2022

110: Building Highly Effective Hospitality Teams

Corporate Chef Ryan Dodge and Restauranteur Doug Newhook join Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb of Realignment Hospitality to discuss building highly effective restaurant teams and balancing the equation of motivation versus inspiration.

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Oct. 4, 2022

111: The Trap of Instant Gratification

Join Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and Adam of Realignment Hospitality on this episode of the Turning the Table podcast when we discuss the hospitality culture of instant gratification and how it helps poison the well of career longevity.

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Oct. 3, 2022

211: On The Dock with Tarren Camm

Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut at work? Tired of taking ineffective actions that don't seem to lead to any positive change in your industry? If so, this episode is for you! Learn from Tarren Cramm so that you can get the positive change In this episode of On The Dock, featuring Tarren …

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Oct. 2, 2022

Tarren Camm | Hospitality Fitness Coach | #shorts 4

#shorts Chef Life Radio ep. 210 In this podcast episode, Tarren Cramm shares his journey from chef to fitness professional, highlighting the importance of mindfulness and physical health in the culinary industry. In this video, you will learn: 1. The importance of mindfulness and self-care …

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Oct. 2, 2022

Tarren Camm | Hospitality Fitness Coach | #shorts 3

#shorts Chef Life Radio ep. 210 In this podcast episode, Tarren Cramm shares his journey from chef to fitness professional, highlighting the importance of mindfulness and physical health in the culinary industry. In this video, you will learn: 1. The importance of mindfulness and self-care …

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Oct. 2, 2022

Tarren Camm - Hospitality Fitness Coach, #shorts 2

Chef Life Radio ep. 210 #shorts 2 In this podcast episode, Tarren Cramm shares his journey from chef to fitness professional, highlighting the importance of mindfulness and physical health in the culinary industry. In this video, you will learn: 1. The importance of mindfulness and self-care f…

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Oct. 2, 2022

Tarren Camm, Hospitality Fitness Coach #shorts

Chef Life Radio ep. 210 In this podcast episode, Tarren Cramm shares his journey from chef to fitness professional, highlighting the importance of mindfulness and physical health in the culinary industry. In this video, you will learn: 1. The importance of mindfulness and self-care for chefs a…

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Oct. 2, 2022

Tarren Camm: Achieving Fitness Goals in Hospitality

Chef Life Radio ep. 210 In this podcast episode, Tarren Cramm shares his journey from chef to fitness professional, highlighting the importance of mindfulness and physical health in the culinary industry. In this video, you will learn: 1. The importance of mindfulness and self-care for chefs a…

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Oct. 1, 2022

210: Tarren Camm | A Chef on a Mission to Serve Other Chefs

Does this sound familiar? You've been told to smile more, be more positive, and just act like you're happy to be there, even when you're not. But you're not seeing any positive change in your industry. You're still stuck in the same dead-end job. "Something has got to give. And hospitality. The s…

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Sept. 29, 2022

Copy of 109: Jay Ashton on 'The Staff Chair Project'

109: Jay Ashton, producer and host of Sysco's SVK network, comes on the show to speak to Jim & Adam about his unique initiative, The Staff Chair, to refit restaurant staffrooms into 'wellness rooms in collaboration with The Brick (shout-out to John Chua & Usman Dawood from the Brick's Commercial Sa…

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Sept. 29, 2022

Copy of 109: Jay Ashton on 'The Staff Chair Project'

109: Jay Ashton, producer and host of Sysco's SVK network, comes on the show to speak to Jim & Adam about his unique initiative, The Staff Chair, to refit restaurant staffrooms into 'wellness rooms in collaboration with The Brick (shout-out to John Chua & Usman Dawood from the Brick's Commercial Sa…

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Sept. 28, 2022

109: Jay Ashton on 'The Staff Chair Project'

On this episode of "Turning the Table" podcast, Jay Ashton, producer and host of Sysco's SVK network, comes on the show to speak to Jim & Adam about Sysco's unique initiative to refit restaurant staffrooms into 'wellness rooms.

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Sept. 18, 2022

08: Attracting the Right Talent in Hospitality

Turning the Table, EP 08. Hospitality Recruiter Chris Bousquet joins Jim Taylor Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb of Realignment Hospitality to talk about the three things restaurant operators can do to attract the right talent. If you enjoy this video, please like and share this video. Don't forget…

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Sept. 14, 2022

07: Hospitality & Mental Health

Turning the Table is a weekly videocast featuring staff-centric operating solutions for today's restaurants. In this episode, Jim and I talk about the current state of the industry's mental health and how operators can ensure their staff are physically and emotionally safe., for better retention. …

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Sept. 8, 2022

209: On The Dock with Deidra McGuiness-Ciolko

Deidra McGuiness-Ciolko is a restauranteur and professor who moved to Costa Rica and started her own restaurant, Gordika's FreshMex. She talks about her journey from Boston to the Caribbean and her experience during the pandemic. She advises people thinking about starting their own businesses to be…

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Sept. 7, 2022

06: Turning the Table - Embracing Change

Scot Turner of Auden Hospitality joins Jim Taylor and me, Adam Lamb, on our hashtag#lunchboxlivestream to talk about ways in which restaurant operators can embrace the change currently happening in the industry and be out front of the wave. Join us. Thursday, Sept. 8th at 12N ET.

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Sept. 7, 2022

208: Deidra McGuiness-Ciolko | The Three Rs of Restaurant Success

When the restauranteur Deidra McGuiness-Ciolko opens her business with just $7 left, she must find a way to turn things around quickly or risk losing everything. "I just figured, we're going to make it, it's going to be fine. We had to close for five months and that was tough. The laws here in th…

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Aug. 25, 2022

5: Turning the Table

Join guest Alison Anne, hospitality leadership coach, and mentor, as she joins Jim Taylor and me, Adam Lamb for our weekly #lunchboxlivestream on "Turning the Table". We'll be turning the table on hospitality leadership, and why it's not taught in school. #hospitality #leadership #foodandbev…

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Aug. 24, 2022

104: Jonathan Ruby | Shifting Toxic Hospitality Culture - Turning the…

Restaurant Coach/Consultant and former Chef Jonathan Ruby 'turns the table' on the toxic culinary culture in our food and beverage profession and how you, too, can create a workplace #culture that everyone wants to work for. We debunk the veneration of self-sacrifice in today's restaurant cultur…

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Aug. 22, 2022

207: Chef James Shirley | From the South Side to the Top of the Culin…

207: Chef James Shirley | From the South Side to the Top of the Culinary World 207 1 Do you want to be successful in the culinary industry? You're told to get experience in as many kitchens as possible, but you can't seem to get your foot in the door. If you're feeling stuck and frustrated, this…

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Aug. 20, 2022

206: On The Dock with Chef James Shirley

1 206 Chef James Shirley worked for the city of Chicago and began cooking as a side hustle. He got a job at a restaurant and quickly learned that he knew nothing about cooking. The executive chef at the time, Tony Montuano, took him under his wing and taught him everything he knew. Since t…

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Aug. 19, 2022

Turning the Table, ep#4

On this week's episode Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and me, Adam Lamb turn the tables on the veneration of self-sacrifice in today's restaurant culture and how taking care of yourself, is job #1 in the #newrstaurantculture.

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