Chef Life Radio:  Empowering Culinary Leaders to Create Thriving, Sustainable Kitchens


Aug. 18, 2022

103: Will the Hustle Culture be the Death of the Hospitality Industry…

Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb discuss the #hustleculture of our industry, and while it might have made most food and beverage operations more efficient, it may have come at the cost of staff safety and retention. Turning the Table Is the most progressive weekly podcast for today's f…

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Aug. 18, 2022

Turning the Table ep. #1

Turning the Table inaugural episode. Join Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and me, Adam Lamb, as we discuss #staffcentric #operationalsolutions for your #newfoodanadbeverageculture #culture #workplacewellness #beyourbestself #cheflife #foodandbeverageindustry #restaurants #ho…

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Aug. 17, 2022

101: Turning the Table On Restaurant Dogma - Turning the Table

Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb discuss the prevailing operating assumptions of running a restaurant in favor of innovative solutions to our industry's most persistent challenges. Turning the Table Is the most progressive weekly podcast for today's food and beverage industry, featurin…

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Aug. 17, 2022

102: Restaurant Staff Productivity VS Efficiency, What's the Differen…

Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and Adam Lamb discuss the question of staff productivity or efficiency, what's the difference, and which one serves the restaurant industry best in the long run. Turning the Table Is the most progressive weekly podcast for today's food and beverage industry, featuri…

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Aug. 15, 2022

Turning the Table ep. #3

Join Jim Taylor of Benchmark Sixty and me, Adam Lamb, as we discuss #staffcentric #operationalsolutions for your #newfoodanadbeverageculture

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Aug. 12, 2022

Turning the Table Ep 2 Efficiency or Productivity

Our new #lunchboxlivestream calling for #staffcentric #operationalsolutions for restaurants and the #newrestaurantculture. Check the swag @ Thanks to Benchmark Sixty & Jim Taylor #newkitchenculture #beyourbestself #cheflife #fuckthegrind #findyourgroove #chefliferadio #benchmarksixty…

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July 25, 2022

205: On the Dock with Kris Hall

1 205 Another Bonus Episode of Chef Life Radio's ongoing series, "On the Dock," with the founder of The Burnt Chef Project, Kris Hall. It's time to get raw and vulnerable with Kriss Hall. "Understand that if something doesn't sit right with you, that's okay, and no one else can tell you othe…

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July 25, 2022

204: Kris Hall | The Burnt Chef Project

2 204 Kris Hall, the founder of the Burnt Chef Project, joins us to discuss his work in making the hospitality industry a safer and more sustainable place for everyone. Hear how the project makes a difference and learn what you can do to support their efforts. "To understand that if something…

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Oct. 5, 2021

Chef Life Radio Live Stream

Check my Linktree profile for the links for swag and all other social sites @ #newkitchenculture #beyourbestself #cheflife #fuckthegrind #findyourgroove #chefliferadio

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Sept. 28, 2021

Our Dirty Little Secret

Friday Food for Thought#5: Chef Joshua Young and I speak about his latest blog post, 'My Dirty Little Secret'. We talk about the causal hook-up culture in the hospitality industry, how and why we willingly participated in it, and acknowledge those partners who saw something in us worthy of their af…

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Sept. 25, 2021

FFF #02 - Puttin in the work with Chef Jensen Cummings

Chef Jensen Cummings of the "Best Served " Podcast joins us in the dish pit to talk about his recent series, 'Restaurants are NOT great places to work - and it's my fault." We'll both cop to our own shit and our culpability in the current hospitality culture and what we're doing to change this real…

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Sept. 25, 2021

FFF #03 - The Promise and Peril of My Own Chef Coat #1

How could some white cloth and black thread be so bound up with drive, dedication, stress, and envy? On this episode of "Friday Food for Thought," I also reflect on how the implications of earning my bones both held me up AND held me back from becoming the best version of me I could be. Maybe you…

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Sept. 23, 2021

FFF #4: Why Community? Chef Maria Campbell

Friday Food for Thought; The new buzzword is community but for us in the hospitality field what the hell does that mean? Is it external; or internal? Is it different than customers, members, or residents? Aren't we already spread too thin? How much more can we put on our communal plate? What does i…

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Sept. 17, 2021

203: On The Dock with Chef Maria Campbell

On The Back Dock with Chef Maria Campbell 00:29 - Welcome to On the Dock with Maria Campbell 01:10 - How bad did it get during COVID? 05:28 - How are you actively engaged in self-care? 09:45 - What are you looking forward to? 10:30 - How does it feel to be Maria right now? 14:55 - On t…

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Sept. 17, 2021

202: Stress? What Stress? Chef Maria Campbell

Chef Life Radio S2 – E2: Stress – What Stress? Chef Maria Campbell Show notes Maria Campbell is a chef and co-founder of Cooks Who Care, a Philly-based organization that supports the well-being of people working in all facets of the food & beverage industry. Driven by a desire to create chang…

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Sept. 3, 2021

FFF #1 - The Identity Trap of 'I am a Chef'

Friday Food for Thought explores the conundrum of 'I am a Chef' vs. 'I work as a Chef' and why one perspective inspires humility while the other can be a recipe for disaster. https://www.theburntchefproject.c…

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July 24, 2021

201: The Great Reset

The Great Reset Episode #1 -Season 2 | 2021 Image courtesy of Rachel Elizabeth O'Shea ( Introduction Welcome Back Questions Station Identification ( The Chef Life Crew ( Tim Ferris FB…

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July 11, 2021

Chef Life Radio - Gaining Perspective

How else is a chef supposed to honor what comes through his back door, in a nice box and all wrapped in cryovac without the experience of having to butcher their own live animals?

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June 18, 2021

Chef Life Radio Season 2

Chef Life Radio in Season 2 is going to take a quick look back at the last year in order to chart our course forward. We'll take a moment to tip the toque to those who didn't make it to the other side with us. AND, we'll focus the rest of the time on skills and traits we take for granted because th…

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May 15, 2021

Chef Life Radio - Season2 2

Get ready for Season 2 of Chef Life Radio! Watch the exciting trailer and join us for captivating conversations with renowned chefs.

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May 3, 2021

106: Chef Paul Sorgule

Paul Sorgule is a seasoned food service professional with decades of experience as a chef, restaurateur, food and beverage manager, educator and culinary college administrator. In 1988 as a member of the New England Culinary Olympic Team he was awarded a gold medal at the Olympic competition in Fra…

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May 3, 2021

105: Biodynamic Farming with Joel Salatin

We meet Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms.

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May 3, 2021

104: Master Butcher Kari Underly

We visit Master Butcher Katri Underly and find out, even in Chicago, why family farms and ranches are so critical for our supply chain.

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May 3, 2021

103: Shawn Wenner on Entrepreneurship

1.)  “Wherever we are, whatever we’re doing and wherever we are going, we owe it to ourselves, to our art, to the world to do it well.” 2.)  “To labor in the arts for any reason other than love is prostitution.” 3.)  “It is well and good to opine or theorize about a subject, as humankind is won…

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